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Rachel Helliwell

Rachel Helliwell

CREW Director
The James Hutton Institute
AB15 8QH

Rachel is the CREW Director. Rachel's background is in catchment biogeochemical processes and hydrological cycles. Rachel has extensive experience of delivering policy relevant and strategic research.

 CREW delivers at the water policy: research interface, involving co-construction of knowledge between academics and the water stakeholder community of policy, industry and practitioners.

Rachel brings many qualities to this role and has extensive experience of delivering policy relevant and strategic research. She is an established catchment scientist and prior to joining CREW, initially as CREW Manager, she worked to improve knowledge of catchment biogeochemical processes and hydrological cycles affecting the interactions between landscapes, their management and the resulting impacts on water quality and quantity.

More recently Rachel has worked with the Scottish Government to establish and implement Hydro Nation International. In this role she engaged at a senior level with key policy, regulatory and industry figures and developed and coordinated projects in India and Malawi as part of the Scottish Government’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals.