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Home >> News >> Digital Water: Technologies in Monitoring, Surveillance, and Evaluation
10th December 2020

Digital Water: Technologies in Monitoring, Surveillance, and Evaluation

On the 11 November 2020, CREW hosted a webinar that brought together academics from the James Hutton Institute (Hutton) and the University of Stirling (UoS). The teams discussed how the digital revolution is transforming water research and how, with transformation, comes tremendous opportunities for the water industry, regulators and practitioners. In a series of 5 minute spark talks the research teams shared exciting developments in digital water research.
Initial  discussions also touched on:
Which Scottish (& wider) research teams are leading the Digital Water’ space?
How to enable future collaborations between organisations?
How to use our expertise to address wicked water-related challenges in the future?
The importance of engaging the wider stakeholder community through research to realise impact.
Horizon scanning (Funding opportunities).
Open the PDF document below for more information and links to video recordings.