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Home >> CD2024_01 Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water supplies: A review of source, pathway, and fate for selected compounds

CD2024_01 Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water supplies: A review of source, pathway, and fate for selected compounds

Photo credit: Aimee Holton. Water droplets into water

CREW Code: CD2024_01

Type of project: Call Down

Overview: This c.3-month Call Down project aims to review available information regarding potential sources, fate, transport and additional areas of risk for PFAS compounds. This is to support understanding of which compounds not currently named in the recast Drinking Water Directive regulations may be in Scottish drinking water sources. It builds on the findings and recommendations of CRW2022_01 Developing risk assessment approaches for PFAS and watch list parameters under the recast Drinking Water Directive.

Project Status: In progress.










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