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Home >> Project >> CRW2023_03: Assessing the impact of forestry on water quality in Scotland: A review of modelling capabilities

CRW2023_03: Assessing the impact of forestry on water quality in Scotland: A review of modelling capabilities

Autumn forest with loch in background - Photo credit: Carol Taylor

Type of project: Capacity Building

Aim:  The overall aim of this project is to review the current and potential risks to water quality from commercial forestry operations and the suitability of available models to assess these risks.







Key questions:

  • Which pollutants are of most concern?
  • What types of water bodies and associated habitats are most susceptible to deterioration from forestry pressures (e.g., increased or reduced flow)?
  • Can we identify the most common risk factors?
  • Are the data available to understand the spatial distribution of these risk factors
  • How can the pollutant loss associated with these risk factors be estimated? Are there sufficient data / literature /expert judgement?
  • Can we develop a range of risk scenarios for forestry similar to the SAGIS scenarios for agriculture?
  • Are there models already available which could model these risk scenarios?
  • If necessary, which model developments would be needed to model forestry accurately

Project Status: Project in progress


Project Objectives

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