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Home >> Publications >> Implementation Processes for the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act
1st June 2012

Implementation Processes for the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act

Implementation Processes for the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act; Cover photograph courtesy of: Emily Hastings, The James Hutton Institute.

This report provides evidence to SEPA and the Scottish Government on the implementation processes for the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 (hereafter FRM Act) within existing policy frameworks. It gives guidance on the roles and processes of the Flood Risk Management local advisory groups. These groups are now termed local advisory groups as opposed to ‘sub-district’ advisory groups as termed in the FRM Act. These local advisory groups will be established by autumn 2012. Much of the report is based on recent findings relating to good practice for catchment management and research into how Area Advisory Groups have undertaken their responsibilities in Area Management Planning under the Water Framework Directive.