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Home >> Publications >> Scotland Rural Development programme 2014-20 - recommendations for targeting support to deliver maximum benefit for the water environment
1st June 2014

Scotland Rural Development programme 2014-20 - recommendations for targeting support to deliver maximum benefit for the water environment

The Scotland Rural Development Programme (SRDP) supports Scottish objectives that match the priorities of the European Union Rural Development Programme. A key requirement in the 2014 - 20 SRDP is to address the EU 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme priorities for (i) restoring and preserving biodiversity, (ii) improving water and soil management, and (iii) reducing green-house gas emissions, through agri-environment payments. In this context, CREW have been asked to develop recommendations for the spatial targeting of agri-environment options in the 2014-20 SRDP. The aim is to ensure cost-effective delivery of benefits for the water environment and to help Scotland meet the objectives of the Water Framework Directive  and the Floods Directive.