Sharing Insights on Hydropower and Sediment Management

Great discussions were held this week at a hybrid hydro-sector dissemination event at the Advanced Research Centre (University of Glasgow), where Professor Richard Williams presented findings from the CREW project, “Environmentally effective and cost-efficient sediment management at impoundments.”
The team showcased their insightful project video, available here and also shared an infographic illustrating how river health relies on sediment flow (pictured).
The event also featured:
- A presentation of a guidance framework for best practice in hydropower licensing applications, which was developed as part of the project.
- A presentation by Professor Nick Hanley about the project’s cost-benefit analysis for catchment sediment management.
- Engaging round-table discussions on the project report’s recommendations. The most popular of which being how to raise awareness of sediment management within the hydropower community.
Learn more here: Environmentally effective and cost-efficient sediment management at impoundments | CREW | Scotland's Centre of Expertise for Waters
CREW would like to thank the research team (University of Glasgow and cbec eco engineering) and the Project Steering Group (Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Scottish Canals, NatureScot and the Scottish Government) for their dedication and support to the project and in addressing this important issue.