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Land and Water Resource Management

Home >> Our Work >> Land and Water Resource Management
  • Policy: River Basin Management Planning (RBMP 3), Nature Capital, Post CAP Rural Support.

  • Science: water and soil management, energy, land use, diffuse pollution, resource recovery and reuse


The Land and Water Resource Management theme considers the relationship between water and land management, detection and mitigation of diffuse pollution and resource recovery and reuse.


The projects within this theme will inform regulation and policy in areas which include nature capital, land use and urbanisation and post ‘common agricultural policy’ rural support.

The improved understanding of water and land resource management will support recognition and quality of the ecosystem services on which society depends.


Recent research within this thematic area includes:

- A capacity building project aiming to assess the socio-economic impact of soil degradation on Scotland’s water environmentDirect and indirect costs to society will be considered with a focus on water quality, aquatic habitats, biodiversity and flooding.

- A capacity building project on Hydro Sector engagement over environmentally effective and cost-efficient sediment management at impoundmentsThe project aims to improve understanding and raise awareness of the cost effectiveness of different sediment management options available to address these risks.