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Home >> Project >> CRW2023_07 Increasing flood resilience: residential and community rainwater run-off retention solutions

CRW2023_07 Increasing flood resilience: residential and community rainwater run-off retention solutions

Residential Street with community runoff retention solutions - Photo Credit: Abertay University

CREW Code: CRW2023_09

Project status: Project complete. Click here to visit the publication page to view the project outputs.

Type of project: Capacity Building

Lead research team: Abertay University

In recent years there has been an increased awareness of the need to address surface water runoff in urban environments. This includes understanding where flood risks may arise, increase, or change in the future due to climate change and increased urban creep, the increased conversion of gardens and other vegetated areas which help to soak up rain. To support resilient surface water management in urban environments, the identification, efficacy, cost effectiveness and prioritisation of implementable flood risk management solutions is essential.

This project evaluated and compared the cost and effectiveness of residential and community property rainwater runoff source control solutions to increase flood resilience. Source control Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) manage water at or near its source, in order to slow down or stop the water entering the drainage system.

The project undertook a literature review, case study reviews and cost benefit analysis to consider the following key issues:

  1. What are the multiple benefits of source control SuDS and suitability for different urban land types?
  2. What are the barriers to adopting these solutions at both residential and community property level?
  3. What are the opportunities and recommendations for overcoming these barriers?

This project has completed. Click here to visit the publication page to view the project outputs.




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